When choosing an epitaph or verse for a Spanish headstone, it’s important to select something that honors and reflects the personality, beliefs, or values of the deceased. Here are some Spanish epitaphs and verses that you might consider:
1. “Siempre en nuestros corazones.” (Always in our hearts.)
2. “Descansa en paz.” (Rest in peace.)
3. “Tu amor será nuestra guía eterna.” (Your love will be our eternal guide.)
4. “Un alma hermosa nunca se olvida.” (A beautiful soul is never forgotten.)
5. “Donde hay amor, allí hay vida.” – Mahatma Gandhi (Where there is love, there is life.)
6. “Su luz seguirá brillando en nuestros corazones.” (Her light will continue to shine in our hearts.)
7. “En el jardín de la memoria, en el palacio de los sueños.” (In the garden of memory, in the palace of dreams.)
8. “Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.” – Antonio Machado (Traveler, there is no path, the path is made by walking.)
9. “Amar es eterno, mientras dura.” (Love is eternal, as long as it lasts.)
10. “Dios te tiene en su gloria.” (God has you in His glory.)
11. “Tu sonrisa será siempre nuestro consuelo.” (Your smile will always be our comfort.)
12. “En la vida y en la muerte, siempre amado.” (In life and in death, always loved.)
13. “La muerte no es el final, es el comienzo de algo nuevo.” (Death is not the end, it’s the beginning of something new.)
14. “Aunque nos dejaste físicamente, tu espíritu vive en nosotros.” (Though you left us physically, your spirit lives on in us.)
15. “Hasta siempre, querido amigo.” (Until forever, dear friend.)
16. “En la luz de la eternidad, donde el alma encuentra descanso.” (In the light of eternity, where the soul finds rest.)
17. “Recordamos con amor y gratitud.” (We remember with love and gratitude.)
18. “Tu legado perdurará en las generaciones venideras.” (Your legacy will endure in generations to come.)
19. “La vida es un sueño, y los sueños, sueños son.” – Pedro Calderón de la Barca (Life is a dream, and dreams are but dreams.)
20. “Que tu alma descanse en paz bajo el amor de Dios.” (May your soul rest in peace under God’s love.)
Remember to choose something that resonates with the person you are honoring and their family. You can also consider consulting with a religious or spiritual leader for guidance on selecting an appropriate epitaph or verse based on the person’s faith or beliefs.